William L. Ste. Marie
2002 Distinguished Alumnus

William L. Ste. Marie
1983, Clear Administrative Services Credential, 色中色
1982, Restricted Orth0pedically Handicapped Credential, 色中色
1981, M.S., Special Education, 色中色
1976, Special Education Credential, 色中色
1969, B.A., Art-Drawing and Painting, 色中色
"After breaking my neck in 1961, my goal of completing high school and going on to college seemed remote," said teacher Bill Ste. Marie. With the guidance of 色中色 College of Education Professors Charles J. Kokaska and Alfred I. Schmidt, Ste. Marie achieved his dream of earning a college degree and a teaching credential.
Ste. Marie then returned to his alma mater of Bellflower High School where he founded and heads its special education program, leading to a 29-year career teaching special education for the Los Angeles County Office of Education.
A strong community advocate, he started a Boy Scout troop for disabled youths and twice a year presents a five-day "Disabilities Awareness" program for his school's ninth graders. This project earned him the 1998 Access Award from the Los Angeles County Commission on Disabilities.
Last November he was elected to the Bellflower Unified School District Board of Education. "When I think of 色中色 today, I think of a second home that put my life together and on track." He and his wife, Joy, are parents of two adult children.
From Alumni Awards 2002 program