Fall 2023 Transfer Major-Specific Degree Requirements - College of Business (COB)

These criteria will be used for Fall 2023 and Spring 2024 transfer admission consideration only.
Admission criteria are subject to change for future admission cycles. See  to determine the courses offered at California institutions which will satisfy the specific course requirements.

Admission to all majors at É«ÖÐÉ« is competitive because É«ÖÐÉ« continues to have more qualified applicants than available new student spaces. All transfer students must declare a major when submitting their application. Review Transfer Application and Admissions eligibility for details. To review the detailed major-specific degree requirements select the major below. If a major is highly impacted, it will be noted next to the name of the major and additional supplemental criteria and requirements are indicated in the major-specific details.

Admission Consideration


  • Except for highly impacted majors, CSU eligible applicants who are considered local based on their high school of graduation or their military veteran status will be offered admission if they meet the major-specific minimum cumulative GPA and required lower-division preparation.
  • For local applicants who apply to a highly impacted major, their cumulative grade point average (GPA) will be increased by 0.1 during the admissions process. This calculated GPA will be applied to the competitive ranking and departmental review for admissibility to a highly impacted program.
  • Other CSU-eligible applicants who have met the major-specific minimum cumulative GPA and the minimum required lower-division preparation will be admitted on a space available basis based on their cumulative GPA and the additional preparation courses completed if specified in the criteria.
  • If space is available after all students meeting the minimum major GPA and preparation have been accommodated, then CSU-eligible students without the minimum major preparation may be considered.
  • Students admitted to the major who have not completed the additional recommended transfer requirements or the additional É«ÖÐÉ« requirements must complete them during their first year at É«ÖÐÉ«.


For spring term admission, coursework and unit minimums must be completed no later than the prior summer term.

The Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) curriculum is used in lieu of the major-specific degree requirements. We strongly encourage students to complete both the recommended and required courses because É«ÖÐÉ« remains highly competitive in our admissions process. Under current CSU guidelines, the cumulative GPA will be increased by 0.1 and this calculated GPA will be applied in the ranking of applicants. Please refer to Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) for a complete list of requirements and additional information on how the ADT will be used in the competitive ranking process.

California State University, Long Beach College of Business remains committed to honoring the completed Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) based on either the 2014 revision of the Transfer Model Curriculum (TMC) or the TMC 2.0, revised in 2021, through the academic year of 2025-26.


Requirements by Major

To be considered for admission to the major, applicants must demonstrate the following:

  • Minimum GPA: 2.5
  • Minimum lower-division preparation (grade of C or better required)

The following suite of major preparation courses must be completed with a minimum GPA of 2.5:

Major Preparation Courses
Department Course Number Course Title
ECON 100 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 101 Principles of Microeconomics
MATH 115 Calculus for Business or higher (equivalent to MATH 122 Calculus I or Math 119A Survey of Calculus I)
ACCT 201 Elementary Financial Accounting
ACCT 202 Managerial Accounting
BLAW 220 Introduction to Law and Business Transactions

Required General Education courses not covered by major preparation courses:

  • Written Communication
  • Oral Communication
  • Critical Thinking
Additional Recommended Preparation Courses for Transfer Applicants Only
Department Course Number Course Title
I S 233 Introduction to Business Data Analysis and Programming
STAT STAT 118 or 108 Introductory Business Statistics or Statistics for Everyday Life
General Education Category D1 and D2 US History, Constitution and American Ideals must be met through the required 2 courses (6 units)

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