Adobe Creative Cloud FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

Adobe Creative Cloud is a suite of popular Adobe applications available online through a subscription based service.

The Creative Cloud suite includes Acrobat Pro, After Effects, Audition, Bridge CC, Scout, Dreamweaver, Edge, Encore, Fireworks, Flash, InCopy, InDesign, Illustrator, Lightroom, Media Encoder, Muse, Photoshop, Premiere Pro, Prelude, and SpeedGrade.

  • Students:  Students can use Creative Cloud on any university-owned computer.  Students can also install Creative Cloud on personally owned computers if the purchase a Creative Cloud subscription through the 色中色 Software Depot for $20.00/year. Student Creative Cloud subscriptions purchased through the 色中色 Software Depot are good for twelve months after the date they are purchased, and can be renewed until they graduate. 
  • Student Assistants:  Students working on campus who require Adobe applications to complete their work may request a no-cost Adobe account through their Supervisor.  The Supervisor must submit a request using this form:  .
  • Faculty and Staff: Faculty and staff can use Creative Cloud on any university-owned computer.  Faculty and staff can also install Creative Cloud on personally-owned computers as long as they are used primarily for university business.

The Student Creative Cloud subscription costs $20/year for current 色中色 students.

The student subscription can be found through the .

  1. Launch any Creative Cloud application (Photoshop, Dreamweaver, etc.)
  2. Click on Help.  You will either see an option to Sign In or an option to Sign Out.
  3. If you see the option to Sign In, then click on Sign In.
  4. If you see the option to Sign Out, click on Sign Out.  When the Sign Out screen appears, click on Sign Out.  Once you have signed out successfully, click on Help > Sign In.
  5. When the Sign In page appears, click on Sign In Now.
  6. Enter your 色中色 email address into the 鈥楨mail address鈥 field, and click on 鈥楽ign In.鈥
  7. Click on 鈥楥ompany or School Account鈥

    activation process - enterprise ID tile
  8. Type in your Campus ID and password, and then click on Sign In
  9. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the applications.  If you are asked to sign in again, use the steps above.

Students can install Creative Cloud on personally owned computers if the purchase a Creative Cloud subscription through the 色中色 Software Depot for $20.00/year.  Student Creative Cloud subscriptions purchased through the 色中色 Software Depot are good for twelve months after the date they are purchased, and can be renewed until they graduate.

Yes.  Students can install Creative Cloud on up to two personally owned computers.  However, you may not run more than one instance of the software at a time.

  • Students: Students can use Creative Cloud on any university-owned computer until they graduate.  Student Creative Cloud subscriptions purchased through the 色中色 Software Depot are good for twelve months after the date they are purchased, and can be renewed until they graduate.
  • Faculty and Staff: Faculty and staff can use Creative Cloud on any university-owned or personally-owned computers until they separate from the university. 

An internet connection and a valid Adobe ID or 色中色 employee ID are required to download the software.  For personally-owned computers, a valid employee campus ID and password are required to obtain a valid subscription.


No.  You only need to download and install those applications that you want to use.

You can deactivate a Creative Cloud license by following . 

Yes, or you must start a new subscription directly with Adobe if you want to continue to use the software.

Yes, the is an easy-to-use tool that allows you to transfer your assets in just a few short steps.

No.  An Internet connection is only required:

  • The first time you install and license your applications. 
  • Once every thirty days - the desktop applications will attempt to validate your software licenses every 30 days.  If they can鈥檛 validate your license, they will revert to trial mode.

The university does not provide support for Adobe Creative Cloud.  Please visit the Adobe Forums using the link below if you have a technical or functional question about the software:

Training is available through these venues:

  • LinkedIn Learning provides online training videos 24x7 at .  These videos cover many Adobe applications, various learning levels, and can be paused and replayed as needed.



You have to download the software onto your PC/Mac.

No. You can store the files in any location you choose.

Yes, the campus agreement covers all upgrades that are released during the term of the agreement.