Policy Statement - 77-21 International Business, Graduate Certificate in

NUMBER: 77-21
FILE: Certificate

SUBJECT: Graduate Certificate in International Business

The following policy statement, recommended by the Academic Senate at its meeting of February 24, 1977, and approved by the President on May 2, 1977, is as follows:



  1. The program will be offered within the area of graduate business studies.
  2. No other program pertaining to international business presently exists at the graduate business studies level.
    1. Finance Management
    2. Human Resource Management Marketing
  3. Purpose of the proposed program:
    1. To encourage graduate study of international business in an integrated and purposeful manner.
    2. To prepare graduate students for the task of engaging in international business activities.
    3. To recognize the student's achievement of a certain level of competence in the area of international business through the issuance of a certificate.
  4. Need for the proposed program:
    1. International business is a rapidly growing field requiring trained specialists in this area for service both domestically and abroad. Worldwide international trade has reach a level in excess of $500 billion with the U.S. accounting for over $90 billion of the total. Also, U.S. corporations manage thousands of direct investments abroad with sales exceeding several times U.S. exports. Thus, few businessman can continue to afford to be ignorant of the impact of international business operations.
    2. This program of study will provide education to students to meet the demands of private and public organizations affected by international business operations. Hence, the certificate will increase employment opportunities.
  5. Prerequisites
    1. An undergraduate degree in Business Administration or equivalent preparation for the graduate study of Business Administration and approval by the Director of the program.
  6. The requirements under the proposed program are as follows:
    1. A minimum of eighteen (18) units of graduate international business coursework at California State University, Long Beach.
      1. Required courses:
        1. Management 543 - International Business Policy (3 units)
        2. Human Resources Management 552 - Comparative Labor Relationship Systems (3 units)
        3. Marketing 666 - Seminar in International Marketing (3 units)
        4. Finance 691 - Seminar in International Finance (3 units)
      2. Elective courses:
        A minimum of two courses (6 units) selected from the following:
        1. Marketing 667A - Seminar in International Business - Africa and the Near East (3 units)
        2. Marketing 667B - Seminar in International Business - Asia and Oceana (3 units)
        3. Marketing 667C - Seminar in International Business - Europe (3 units)
        4. 鈥婱arketing 667D - Seminar in International Business - Latin America (3 units)
    2. Other requirements:
      1. An average grade point achievement of a minimum of three (3.0) on a scale of four (4.0) in all the courses taken for the certificate program. However, courses with a grade lower than a C will not be accepted.
      2. No more than six (6) units of these eighteen units may be used to fulfill the basic 30 unit MBA or MS in business requirements at California State University, Long Beach.
  7. An additional course, not now in the catalog, is being developed for inclusion in the program. Finance 691 - Seminar in International Finance. This course has already been offered as Finance 695 - Selected Topics.
  8. No additional instructional courses will be needed to implement the proposed program. Rather, the program will allow a more effective use of the presently existing considerable faculty resources in international business. Library holdings in the international business area have been augmented and improved over time with the result that they have reached a reasonable level.

Effective: Immediately