Policy Statement - 16-03 Korean Languages and Culture, Minor in

Minor in Korean Languages and Culture

This policy statement was recommended by the Academic Senate on March 17, 2016 and approved by the President on May 26, 2016.


Program Description:

The Minor in Korean Language and Culture focuses on the study of Korean language, culture, and society. It is available to any 色中色 student. A minimum of 18 units is required. Students are required to take three core courses in the Korean language. They may choose two upper-division electives in consultation with the program advisor. A C grade in all required and elective classes in the minor is required for continuation in the program.



Take all of the following:


KOR 101

Prerequisite/Corequisite: One GE Foundation course.

KOR 102

Prerequisites/Corequisites: One GE Foundation course. Completion of KOR 101 or competency equivalent to KOR 101.

KOR 201: Intermediate Korean (4)

Prerequisite: KOR 102 or competency equivalent to KOR 102. 

Choose any two from the following courses:


A/ST 307: Modern Asia (3)

Prerequisites: GE Foundation requirements, one or more Explorations courses, and upper-division standing.

A/ST 309: Asia and Globalization (3)

Prerequisites: GE Foundation requirements, one or more Explorations courses, and upper-division standing.

A/ST 315: Modern Korea (3)

Prerequisite: GE Foundation requirements and one or more Exploration courses.

A/ST 320: East Asia in Fiction and Film (3)

Prerequisite: Students must have scored 11 or higher on the GWAR Placement Examination or completed the necessary portfolio course that is a prerequisite for a GWAR Writing Intensive Capstone.

ASAM 332: Korean American Experience (3)

Prerequisite: None


HIST/WGSS 406A: Asian Women: East and Northeast Asia (3)

Prerequisite: Upper division standing.




EFFECTIVE: Fall 2016

Campus Code: A/STUM04U1

College: 28


PS 16-03