Policy Statement - 09-04 Athletic Training, Bachelor of Science in

Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training (code KPE_BS06) (120 units)

This new degree was recommended by the Academic Senate on May 14, 2009, confirmed by the President on May 22, 2009 and approved by the Chancellor's Office on June 2, 2009.

The Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training is designed for students interested in an athletic training career in the specialization of injury and illness prevention, assessment, treatment and rehabilitation for athletes and all physically active people, including the general public.  The Board of Certification, Inc. (BOC) for athletic trainer certification certifies athletic trainers for workplace environments in physician offices, rural and urban hospitals, hospital emergency rooms, urgent and ambulatory care centers, military hospitals, physical therapy clinics, high schools, colleges/universities, commercial settings, professional sports teams, and performing arts companies.  A minimum of 120 units are required for graduation.

The Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training presents students with two paths of educational study.  One path of study offers students an educational foundation in athletic training that may be applicable to related allied health programs.  The second path of study provides a student the opportunity to become eligible to take the BOC certification examination for athletic trainers to become a BOC certified athletic trainer.  In addition to the educational foundation in athletic training, completion of a two year program in athletic training clinical education is required.  The BOC requires the student to be a graduate from a college or university with an Athletic Training Education Program accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE), and then takes and passes the exam administered by the Omaha-based Board of Certification (BOC).

The Athletic Training Education Program (educational foundation and clinical education) is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE). Students interested in the CAATE accredited Athletic Training Education Program and/or certification by the BOC should meet with the Program Director for Athletic Training Education for additional information.

Supplementary Criteria for Admission

In The California State University, an undergraduate degree program is designated as impacted when the number of applications received the first month of the CSU application filing period is greater than the available spaces.  Such degree programs are authorized to use a pre-degree code and supplementary admission criteria to screen applicants.  The Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training (ATE_BS01) is an impacted program and has the following supplementary admission criteria:

To be eligible for admission to the Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training, applicants must demonstrate the following prior to the semester for which the application is submitted:  Applicants must have met requirements for admission to the university as a freshman or upper division transfer student.  Applicants must have completed the following prerequisite courses, each with a grade of 鈥淐鈥 or better:  BIOL 207 (Human Physiology) and BIOL 208 (Human Anatomy) and PSY 100 (General Psychology). Applicants must have completed KIN 207 (Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries) with a minimum grade of 鈥淏鈥 or better.  Applicants must have completed a minimum of 150 hours of athletic training experience.  At least 100 of these hours must be attained by athletic training student (ATS) observation or participation in a traditional athletic training setting (high schools, colleges, universities, or professional sport teams) under the supervision of a BOC certified athletic trainer.  A maximum of 50 of these hours may be attained by observation or active participation in an allied clinical setting (i.e. physician offices, hospital facilities, hospital emergency rooms, urgent and ambulatory care centers, military hospitals, physical therapy clinics, industrial/commercial settings, performing arts companies, sports medicine clinics, summer sports camps, or sports performance facilities). Applicants must show proof of current First Aid certification, Emergency Cardiac Care (ECC) certification that includes the following:  Adult & Pediatric CPR, AED, 2nd Rescuer CPR, Airway Obstruction, Barrier Devices (e.g., pocket mask, bag valve mask).  Examples of courses that provide the above ECC certifications are:  CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer through American Red Cross or BLS Health Care Provider through the American Heart Association.  Applicants must submit a supplemental application to the department by February 1 for the fall semester or by October 1 for the spring semester.  The supplementary application is available from the Kinesiology Department Office or the KIN web site.  The application must be accompanied by 3 letters of recommendation, one of which must be from the traditional athletic training observation or participation setting noted above.  The number of applicants who can be admitted is limited by space availability.  Eligible applicants will be selected for admission based on cumulative grade point average.


Core Courses:

BIOL 207 Human Physiology (4)

BIOL 208 Human Anatomy (4)

KIN 300 Biomechanics of Human Movement (3)

KIN 301 Exercise Physiology (3)

KIN 312 Motor Control and Learning (3)

Lower Division:

Take all of the following courses:

H SC 210 Contemporary Health Problems (3)

KIN 207 Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries (3)

KIN 263 Techniques of Physical Fitness (2)

NUTR 132 Introductory Nutrition (3)

PHYS 100A General Physics (4)

PSY 100 General Psychology (3)

Take one of the following courses:

CHEM 100 Chemistry and Today's World (4)

CHEM 111A General Chemistry (5)

CHEM 140 General, Organic, and Biochemistry (5)

Take one of the following courses:

BIOL 260 Biostatistics (3)

MATH 108 Statistics for Everyday Life (3)

KIN 483 Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Education (3)

 Upper Division: 

Take all of the following courses:

H SC 427 Drugs and Health (3)

KIN 304 Clinical Aspects of Athletic Training (3)

KIN 306 Medical Aspects of Athletic Training (3)

KIN 308A Athletic Training Evaluation I (2)

KIN 308B Athletic Training Evaluation II (2)

KIN 309 Developmental and Therapeutic Exercise (3)

KIN 310 Therapeutic Approaches in Athletic Training (3)

KIN 315 Motor Development (3)

KIN 339I Psychology of Sport Behavior & Athletic Performance (3)

KIN 368 Resistance Training for Fitness (3)

KIN 407 Management Strategies in Athletic Taining (3)

Take one of the following courses:

KIN 332I Sociocultural Dimensions of Sport and Human Movement (3)

KIN 335 Historical and Cultural Foundations of Sport in America (3)


EFFECTIVE: Fall 2009

NOTE: The BS in Kinesiology, Option in Athletic Training (code KPE_BS05)  is ended effective fall 2009.


Campus Code:  (KPE_BS06)

College:  15

Career:  UG

CSU Code:  08375

CIP Code:  51.0913