Policy Statement - 09-02 Education, Master of Arts in, Option in Mathematics Education

Master of Arts in Education, Option in Mathematics Education (code EDELMA07)

This new option was recommended by the Academic Senate on February 26, 2009 and
approved by the President on March 16, 2009.

The Master of Arts in Education, Option in Mathematics Education is designed for teachers seeking to enhance their knowledge and skills in mathematics content and pedagogy. Candidates investigate research-based mathematics teaching and learning with a focus on developing their ability to assess the learning needs of diverse students, support students in achieving mathematics proficiency, integrate technology in mathematics instruction, and develop a balanced mathematics instructional program that focuses on conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, and problem solving.

A valid teaching credential and six units in teaching mathematics (either or both may be waived by permission of the Program Coordinator).
In addition to applying to the university for graduate standing, candidates must submit a program-specific application. Program applications are available in the College Graduate Studies Office (ED1-7) and online at .

Requirements (30 – 33 units)
1. Research and Methods (6 units): EDME 501, EDME 502.
2. Core (9 units): EDME 500 or MTED 511, EDME 505, EDME 550.
3. Concentration (12 units): MTED 500, EDME 503, EDME 504, EDME 520.
4. Capstone Requirement (3-6 units): One of the following chosen in consultation with an advisor: EDME 695 (3 units) and Comprehensive Examination; EDME 698 (6 units) and Thesis.

EFFECTIVE: Fall 2009

Campus Code: EDELMA07
College: 50
Career: GR
CSU Code: 17012
CIP Code: 13.1311