Policy Statement - 04-10 Linguistics, BA in

BA in Linguistics (code LINGBA01) (120 units)

This new degree was recommended by the Academic Senate on November 20, 2003, approved by the President on December 2, 2003, and
approved by the Chancellor's Office on September 20, 2004.


Lower Division: (6 units) LING 101, 170
Upper Division:
1. 12 units 颅 LING 325, 329, 420, 421.
2. 24 units 颅 Select eight (8) courses from LING 413, 423, 425, 426, 428,
433, 470, 472, 485, 490 or PSY 438. Students may substitute up to 6 units
of relevant upper-division coursework from other departments, with
permission of the Linguistics advisor.

Language Requirement

Sixteen (16) units required. Four semesters (or their equivalent) of a
language other than English, with either: (a) two semesters of an
Indo-European language plus two semesters of a non-Indo-European language or
(b) four semesters of any one language. Students with prior language
experience can pass language requirement by examination or other evidence.

EFFECTIVE: Fall 2004

Code: LINGBA01
College: 28
Career: UG
IPEDS (Major) ERSS: 15051
IPEDS (Degree) ERSD: 15051

Effective Fall 2004: Discontinue BA in English, Option in Language and
Linguistics (code ENGLBA03)