Minor in Emergency Management
California State University, Long Beach Policy Statement
Policy Statement
September 29, 2021
Minor in Emergency Management
This new minor was recommended by the Academic Senate on 9/9/21 and concurred by the President on 9/14/21.
Minor in Emergency Management (18 units)
Take all of the following courses:
- EMER 301, Emergency Management and Planning (3 units):
Prerequisite: GE Foundations
- CRJU 404, Homeland Security and Terrorism (3 units):
Prerequisites: Open only to EMER minors and CRJU majors with upper division standing. EMER Minors: A grade of "C" or better in EMER 301. CRJU majors: A grade of "C" or better in CRJU 101, CRJU 110, and CRJU 304.
- GEOG 458, Hazards and Risk Management (3 units): Prerequisites: ESP 200 or GEOG 340 (recommended)
- EMER 401. Advanced Concepts in Emergency Management and Homeland Security (3 units):
Prerequisites: EMER 301.
Take six units from the following elective courses:
- BIOL 325 – Emerging Infectious Diseases (3 units)
- CECS 278 – Cybersecurity Principles (3 units)
- CDFS 319 – Family Stress and Coping (3 units)
- COMM 421 – Communication in Bargaining and Negotiation (3 units)
- CRJU 330 – Criminal Justice Ethics, Values and Diversity (3 units)
- ENGL 317 – Technical Communication (3 units)
- GEOL 110 – Natural Disasters (3 units)
- GEOL 110L – Natural Disasters Laboratory (1 unit)
- GEOG 280 – Introduction to Geospatial Techniques (3 units)
- HDEV 375 – Everyday Ruptures: Risk and Resilience in Human Development (3 units)
- I/ST 317 or SOC 317 Problems in International Social Conflict (3 units)
- HHS 288 - Emergency Medical Technician (6 units)
- H SC 150 – Medical Terminology (1 unit)
- H SC 400 – Principles of Epidemiology (3 units)
- H SC 420 – Global Health (3 units)
- H SC 422 – Environmental Health (3 units)
- H SC 423 – Consumer Health (3 units)
- H SC 435 – Health Promotion Risk Reduction (3 units)
- JOUR 104 – Social Media Communications (3 units)
- JOUR 411 – Data Detectives: Democracy, Citizen Journalism and Open Government (3 units)
- POSC 328 – Public Policy (3 units)
- PSY 327 – Introduction to Human Factors (3 units)
- PSY 381 – Introduction to Industrial-Organization Psychology (3 units)
- REC 428 – Principles of Nonprofit/Volunteer Management (3 units)
- SOC 410 – Environmental Sociology (3 units)
EFFECTIVE: Fall 2022
- College: 15, College of Health and Human Services
- Career: UNGR
- Department: School of Criminology, Criminal Justice and Emergency Management
- Delivery Type: Fully Face-to-Face / Hybrid / Online
- Major Pathway: Non-STEM